How can we solve this problem ?

Suggested ideas to solve the problem of cyberbullying is to tell someone older than you that you trust about this bullying. You can tell your parents, older siblings, or any other close person you trust. Also, it would be helpful for the young user to save all incoming posts and messages from the bully by taking screenshots or taking pictures on their phone, in addition to recording the time and date. As for preventing the problem of cyber-bullying, it is very useful to limit the number of photos and personal information posted by the young person, as well as having a secure password to their social media accounts. Also, it is important to never allow anyone to interfere with your privacy, and to always be sure of the identity of the person you’re talking to.

To get rid of the problem of distraction caused by the use of social networking sites, it is recommended to find a hobby that fills your time, especially if it is a hobby that needs focus because it will help to get rid of the problem of distraction. It is also recommended to have a time schedule to organize your time, where you set aside a certain time for browsing social networking sites and a certain time for work, so that your focus isn’t distracted while you’re working. Take short breaks when you use social media to avoid keeping all of your focus on the same thing for too long. And in case the problem persists, you can use special apps that block these sites for a certain period of time to avoid spending too much time on them. However, in order to avoid falling into this problem in the first place, it is a good idea to set your priorities straight, and to be fully aware of the risks of falling into this problem. You can also occupy yourself with useful activities such as reading, brain games, and other useful activities.

As for the dealing with depression and anxiety, the best thing you can do is to communicate with a person who cares about you. The more you prioritize personal relationships over social networking sites, the lower the risk of depression and anxiety. You should also give more time to hobbies that make you feel happy. It would be a good idea to start doing some physical exercise as it helps with raising happiness hormones. It is also helpful to practice meditation as it helps with getting rid of negative energy.


IF you previously suffer from one of these problems or others, share with us your problem with your way in solving!


